About me

what drives me

what drives me

I guess everyone has traits and behaviors in their life that they're not proud of. It was and is no different for me. While I'm not off the hook, to be honest, greed, selfishness, and selfishness have ruled most of my life far more than I care to admit. For example, I just threw away the newspapers I was supposed to distribute and kept the money. I was often disrespectful to my father, I didn't care about my siblings, like most other people. I and my wealth were more important to me than the people around me. But although I was very successful at school and at university (good grades, scholarships, etc.), I wasn't satisfied, but felt somehow empty .

Since my parents were Christians, I called myself that too. As I came to know faith, it was something impersonal, theoretical, that gave me moral guidance and only became relevant when I died. But somehow I felt a longing to experience God. Personally. And that's what I said to God before I went to Australia for a semester abroad: " If you exist, prove it to me. I want to experience you! "

When I was in Australia on my first day of university, I was surprised. Not just about how open and friendly the people were there, but above all about how normal it was to talk to each other about God and faith. And after several people invited me to the service, I went to one too. As the music started, I felt the atmosphere around me change. I felt so wrapped in love (I can't describe it any better). And God said to me, " No matter what you did No matter what you do. No matter what you will do I will Always Love You! “ I was deeply touched and this experience was the starting point for an exciting journey to get to know Jesus better. At the end of this trip, I made the only decision that made sense for me from a cost-benefit perspective 😉: Yes, I want to trust Jesus and follow his ways – because he always wants the best for me (like me) but he knows everything. And I was baptized.

After that, my life changed radically. The best way to see this is with the topic integrity : For example, I buy a train ticket even if I forgot it and got off at the destination station without being checked. I no longer cross red traffic lights - regardless of whether a car is coming or not. And when my tax office miscalculated a four-digit amount in my favor, I filed an objection and explained to the very irritated tax officer that I not a single dishonest cent in my account would like. My main goal is no longer to make as much money as possible, but to serve God, help and care for others. Now Jesus is my number one, not the money .

This is where the story could end – but then the question is: why am I active in the financial market? At the very least, the stock market doesn't have a reputation for being a particularly ethical and morally sound environment. And shouldn't I then keep myself as far away from all these things as possible?

Honestly, that's exactly what I thought too. And that's why it was clear to me after my time in Australia: I would avoid the temptations of power and money and even more money. And that's how I planned my life. But the thing about Jesus is this: we are on our way together. If I then make my own plans, Jesus looks at it and at some point there comes a moment when he shows me that he has a even better plan Has. That was the case for me in South Africa (yes, abroad again – kind of funny) and there he showed me that he really, because I Not wants to be in the financial market, wants to have there. Around to be a role model and to exemplify his righteousness. Around another culture to shape.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of what drives me: the Longing to make this world a better place for God's creatures (animals, plants and humans). . This is the journey I am on now and this website is an attempt to make my first small contribution. Where all this leads to - I have no idea. But in the last eight years with God I've learned one thing: It never gets boring, it's always a wild adventure .

PS: This is the ultra-short version of my story (8 years on 1 page, you have to prioritize it). So many miracles that I was allowed to experience are missing here. But also very personal stories that I don't want to reveal on the internet. If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch contact form .

I guess everyone has traits and behaviors in their life that they're not proud of. It was and is no different for me. While I'm not off the hook, to be honest, greed, selfishness, and selfishness have ruled most of my life far more than I care to admit. For example, I just threw away the newspapers I was supposed to distribute and kept the money. I was often disrespectful to my father, I didn't care about my siblings, like most other people. I and my wealth were more important to me than the people around me. But although I was very successful at school and at university (good grades, scholarships, etc.), I wasn't satisfied, but felt somehow empty .

Since my parents were Christians, I called myself that too. As I came to know faith, it was something impersonal, theoretical, that gave me moral guidance and only became relevant when I died. But somehow I felt a longing to experience God. Personally. And that's what I said to God before I went to Australia for a semester abroad: " If you exist, prove it to me. I want to experience you! "

When I was in Australia on my first day of university, I was surprised. Not just about how open and friendly the people were there, but above all about how normal it was to talk to each other about God and faith. And after several people invited me to the service, I went to one too. As the music started, I felt the atmosphere around me change. I felt so wrapped in love (I can't describe it any better). And God said to me, " No matter what you did No matter what you do. No matter what you will do I will Always Love You! “ I was deeply touched and this experience was the starting point for an exciting journey to get to know Jesus better. At the end of this trip, I made the only decision that made sense for me from a cost-benefit perspective 😉: Yes, I want to trust Jesus and follow his ways – because he always wants the best for me (like me) but he knows everything. And I was baptized.

After that, my life changed radically. The best way to see this is with the topic integrity : For example, I buy a train ticket even if I forgot it and got off at the destination station without being checked. I no longer cross red traffic lights - regardless of whether a car is coming or not. And when my tax office miscalculated a four-digit amount in my favor, I filed an objection and explained to the very irritated tax officer that I not a single dishonest cent in my account would like. My main goal is no longer to make as much money as possible, but to serve God, help and care for others. Now Jesus is my number one, not the money .

This is where the story could end – but then the question is: why am I active in the financial market? At the very least, the stock market doesn't have a reputation for being a particularly ethical and morally sound environment. And shouldn't I then keep myself as far away from all these things as possible?

Honestly, that's exactly what I thought too. And that's why it was clear to me after my time in Australia: I would avoid the temptations of power and money and even more money. And that's how I planned my life. But the thing about Jesus is this: we are on our way together. If I then make my own plans, Jesus looks at it and at some point there comes a moment when he shows me that he has a even better plan Has. That was the case for me in South Africa (yes, abroad again – kind of funny) and there he showed me that he really, because I Not wants to be in the financial market, wants to have there. Around to be a role model and to exemplify his righteousness. Around another culture to shape.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of what drives me: the Longing to make this world a better place for God's creatures (animals, plants and humans). . This is the journey I am on now and this website is an attempt to make my first small contribution. Where all this leads to - I have no idea. But in the last eight years with God I've learned one thing: It never gets boring, it's always a wild adventure .

PS: This is the ultra-short version of my story (8 years on 1 page, you have to prioritize it). So many miracles that I was allowed to experience are missing here. But also very personal stories that I don't want to reveal on the internet. If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch contact form .

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