scope of services:
optionally:Brief analysis of the fundamental valuation of individual stocks*
*Depending on the type of investment style, I need some lead time here. If your portfolio has more in common with my investment universe (German stocks and small caps), this is faster than if you only invest in ETFs or US tech stocks, for example invest
scope of services:
optionally:Brief analysis of the fundamental valuation of individual stocks*
*Depending on the type of investment style, I need some lead time here. If your portfolio has more in common with my investment universe (German stocks and small caps), this is faster than if you invest exclusively in ETFs or US tech stocks, for example.
Disclaimer: The following applies to all articles in this publication:
Despite careful research, no guarantee that the information provided in this publication is up-to-date, correct and complete. I am not liable for the correctness and completeness of the analyzes presented and the associated information. I do not recommend shares and assume no liability as a consultant. On this page, I only present my opinion on investment and financial management issues. Reading this website and the analyzes presented there cannot replace a consultation with a personal investment advisor. Liability claims against me based on material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded. By continuing to use this website, you confirm that you have read and acknowledged this notice.
Disclaimer: The following applies to all articles in this publication:
Despite careful research, no guarantee that the information provided in this publication is up-to-date, correct and complete. I am not liable for the correctness and completeness of the analyzes presented and the associated information. I do not recommend shares and assume no liability as a consultant. On this page, I only present my opinion on investment and financial management issues. Reading this website and the analyzes presented there cannot replace a consultation with a personal investment advisor. Liability claims against me based on material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded. By continuing to use this website, you confirm that you have read and acknowledged this notice.