Portfolio & Stock Analysis

Depot overview & individual analyses

Depot overview & individual analyses

Here you will find an overview of my current depot (+315% since November 6th, 2007, as of May 31st, 2022). I try to update this overview once a month - but of course I always have to check how much time I have available. You can access brief presentations of selected values via the respective links in the table. You get more detailed analyzes of all values as well as other exclusive advantages if you sign up for a membership decide
Here you will find an overview of my current depot (+315% since November 6th, 2007, as of May 31st, 2022). I try to update this overview once a month - but of course I always have to check how much time I have available. You can access brief presentations of selected values via the respective links in the table. You get more detailed analyzes of all values as well as other exclusive advantages if you sign up for a membership decide
Name investment horizon Risk weighting
Binect AG long-term position high medium
Crop Energies long-term position medium medium
CTT Correios de Portugal long-term position defensive high
Ecotel long-term position defensive high
Energiekontor long-term position defensive high
Funkwerk long-term position defensive high
Global Fashion Group long-term position high small amount
IVU Traffic Technologies long-term position defensive medium
Pyramid long-term position medium medium
Oekoworld long-term position high high
SBF long-term position defensive medium
Weng Fine Art long-term position high high
experience academy Trendinvestment medium medium
Long & Black Trendinvestment high medium
Lastminute.com Trendinvestment high small amount
Shell Trendinvestment medium high
7c Solarparken Trendinvestment defensive medium
Allgeier special situation medium small amount
Centrotec special situation medium medium
3U Holding special situation medium small amount
Who AG special situation medium small amount
Softline special situation high small amount
Name investment horizon Risk weighting
Binect AG long-term position high medium
Crop Energies long-term position medium medium
CTT Correios de Portugal long-term position defensive high
Ecotel long-term position defensive high
Energiekontor long-term position defensive high
Funkwerk long-term position defensive high
Global Fashion Group long-term position high small amount
IVU Traffic Technologies long-term position defensive medium
Pyramid long-term position medium medium
Oekoworld long-term position high high
SBF long-term position defensive medium
Weng Fine Art long-term position high high
experience academy Trendinvestment medium medium
Long & Black Trendinvestment high medium
Lastminute.com Trendinvestment high small amount
Shell Trendinvestment medium high
7c Solarparken Trendinvestment defensive medium
Allgeier special situation medium small amount
Centrotec special situation medium medium
3U Holding special situation medium small amount
Who AG special situation medium small amount
Softline special situation high small amount
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